
Concept Explanation


Inscriptions: These are writings on relatively hard surfaces such as stone or metal. Sometimes, kings got their orders inscribed so that people could see, read and obey them. There are other kinds of inscriptions as well, where men and women (including kings and queens) recorded what they did. For example, kings often kept records of victories in battle. The process of reading and understanding the script used in inscriptions is known as decipherment and the study of inscriptions is knows as epigraphy. One good example of decipherment is of the Rosetta stone found in Egypt which was used to decipher ancient Egyptians using Greek Language. Cartouche was a little frame in the Egyptian inscription in which names of kings and queens were enclosed.

The most ancient inscriptions available to us belong to the period of King Ashoka of Mauryan period. These inscriptions throw right on the theories of Kingship of Ashok and also on his religious ideas. Ashokan inscriptions are mostly in Brahmi script. Some of the inscriptions are also available in Kharoshti and Aramaic script. The inscriptions found after Ashoka can be divided into two groups :

  • Official inscriptions
  • Individual inscriptions.
  • The official inscriptions are either the eulogies written by the Court Poets or are land charters. At times, there many exaggerations found in these inscriptions. So, they must be used carefully.

    The inscriptions engraved on the stones or Pillars give us the idea of the extent of the empire of a particular King. Individual inscriptions are gen­erally found in the temples or are engraved on the idols. The information given on these Idols gives us the idea about their origin. This also throws light on the architecture and sculpture of the period.


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